Quarrying & Mining Magazine

A win for quarry consenting

Simcox Quarry has won a consent to extract more aggregate after a year-long fight with local objections.

This fight featured in the April edition of Q&M when Brendon Burns wrote about the situation from a perspective of both a local resident and AQA consultant.

Simcox Construction (bought by Isaac Construction) has quarried the site since 1998 and approached the Marlborough District Council last June to extract near double what it has been at its site in the Omaka Valley, to a total of 90,000 tonnes a year.

The application ended up a hearing and a dispute over hauling and truck movements and the some local residents wanting extraction cut to 15,000 tonnes a year. As Brendon Burns pointed out Brookby Road shares heavy vehicle movements with the huge viniculture industry in the area.

The quarry was consented after Simcox suggested contributing to a new road enhancement fund of road damage levies paid to the council to spend on roads leading to and from the Barracks Rd quarry at a cost of about $1.8 million over 35 years.

Under the consent Simcox has to create a $15,000 Omaka Valley “community fund” and put $15,000 into the fund each year. The fund is not ‘road dedicated’ and will be used to establish or operate community facilities in the Omaka Valley, or to restore or enhance its public areas.

Representing the opposition to the consenting, the Omaka Valley Group, says it is reviewing the decision during the usual appeal period.


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