commentReflections on Japanese Culture – why Aunty Netta likes ‘simple’Quarry Mining MagNovember 23, 2023October 1, 2024 by Quarry Mining MagNovember 23, 2023October 1, 202401320 Netta Burnside files her report from the second-hand machinery auction frontline in Japan. Japan is an incredibly advanced country. As well as designing some of...
Last WordAunty Netta dispatches from JapanQMMagazineSeptember 25, 2023September 30, 2024 by QMMagazineSeptember 25, 2023September 30, 20240725 Netta Burnside experiences more than used-machine buying at her most recent auction in Japan. If there is ever a country you want to be banged...
commentFocus breeds success – fixation breeds distress Quarry Mining MagJuly 25, 2023December 6, 2023 by Quarry Mining MagJuly 25, 2023December 6, 20230607 Aunty Netta Burnside reflects on the recession that isn’t happening as machinery demand hits a peak. If you fixate on the trees at the side...